Centro de Interpretación Forte de San Damián

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Tourist map of Ribadeo

This destination, with an unmistakable maritime flavor, evokes past times that you can discover by walking through its unique urban trace that deserved to be cataloged as a Property of Cultural Interest and Historic Artistic Complex.

A space product of the economic boom experienced in the 18th centuries thanks to maritime trade.

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App RibadeoXQsi

With this application you will definitely discover one of Galicia’s best kept secrets: the magical tranquility and beauty of Ribadeo; the culture, the gastronomy, the landscapes with almost no transition between the mountains and the sea, the museum-beaches dotted with sculptures created by centuries of erosion, make it an unforgettable place.

The maritime flavor of Ribadeo will not evoke the times of corsairs and will allow us to marvel at the beautiful landscapes of its estuary…

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RibadeoXNatural Guide

El Fuerte de San Damian is located in a unique and privileged natural environment. Located on the western edge of the mouth of the Ría de Ribadeo, at the top of a coastal point with an abrupt profile, it has played the role of watchman and protector of the town and the port of Ribadeo for the last 400 years.

There are several natural routes that converge at this point, currently configured as a viewpoint with spectacular views of Ribadeo and its estuary.

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